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How To Remove Anti Skid Tape


Struggling to remove anti-skid tape? Welcome to our detailed guide which will transform what might seem like a daunting task into a simple and manageable one. A persistent query we receive at Heskins, and probably one that you’re currently facing, is, “How do I remove non-slip tape?” It’s an understandable question given that anti-skid tape, by design, is meant to be permanent.

Our core philosophy at Heskins is centred on fabricating the world’s most robust and efficacious anti-skid tape. To this end, we constantly evolve our processes and materials, constantly striving for excellence in the face of ongoing advancements in the industry. However, the challenge comes when you need to remove the very tape we’ve designed to stay put, which can prove quite a conundrum.

Try to simply peel off the anti-skid tape, and you’re in for an uphill battle; you’ll either grapple to remove it or the plastic film will fragment into tiny pieces. But fear not, as we’re here to guide you on how to effectively remove anti-skid tape with the least fuss. Let’s delve into two tried-and-tested methods.

What Tools Do I Need to Remove Anti-Slip Tape?

Think you need an extensive toolbox for this job? Not quite! With a simple flat tool, such as a scraper, you can start by lifting one of the corners of the tape. The key here is to remove enough to create a thumb grip, allowing you to slowly peel back the material.

The next step is absolutely critical and is referred to as a ‘low energy pull’. In layman’s terms, this simply means peeling back the material such that it is touching the surface. Why is this so important? All self-adhesive materials, including our anti-skid tape, possess an inherent weakness; their adhesive is composed of thin strands that snap when bent back and forced into an acute angle. Ensuring that the material is peeled back, surface-to-surface, is therefore a crucial part of the removal process.

How Do I Remove Grip Tape Without Using Heat?

While heat does assist with tape removal, converting our initially liquid-based adhesives back to their original liquid state, it’s not an absolute necessity. Should you opt to utilise heat, heat guns are generally more effective than hair dryers as they dissipate the heat more evenly over the surface. Aim for a surface temperature of around 60-70ºC for optimal results. However, keep in mind that the adhesive is designed to be permanent, which could make some removals a breeze and others rather challenging!

What’s Next After Removing the Tape?

Now that you’ve successfully removed the tape, you might wonder about the next steps. You can immediately apply new material onto the surface without having to re-prime. You may, however, need to edge fix again if necessary.

You’ll also notice that there isn’t much adhesive residue left behind post-removal. However, to cleanse the surface entirely, we recommend using white spirit or a harsher solvent such as MEK or toluene. Please remember to test the surface prior to using these solvents as they can sometimes react with delicate substrates.

Why Use Alcohol-Based Cleaner When Applying Tape?

An industrial alcohol cleaner, especially one with a high alcohol percentage, is excellent for removing adhesive residue. However, bear in mind that as of 29/06/2019, EU regulation 528/2012 restricts the sale of high percentages of industrial alcohol. Thankfully, high-concentration alcohol is still available for purchase for adhesive removal purposes due to its function as a cleaning agent. The higher the alcohol percentage, the more quickly adhesive strands will be removed.

Should I Remove the Tape When It’s Wet or Dry?

Finally, it’s best to remove the tape when it’s dry. Dry tape maintains its construction better, meaning it’s more likely to remain in one piece and thus facilitate easier removal. On the other hand, wet tape can hinder the removal process and compromise its rigidity.

In summary, removing anti-skid tape is not as daunting as it might first appear. With the right approach and tools, you can get the job done with relative ease. We hope this guide has been helpful and encourages you to reach out to us at Heskins with any further queries you might have.

If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. We are always willing to help.


anti-skid tape / how to remove

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