Yorkshire Three Peaks Charity Walk in Aid of Derian House Children’s Hospice
Hello to all,
I’m hoping you can take a little time out of your day to read through what we are doing and the reasons for doing this crazy challenge ahead of us.
Firstly, I’d like to introduce you to Holly Brand, who sadly lost her battle with Pulmonary hypertension in June 2023. She was a happy go lucky character who loved and lived her life to the fullest. When she entered a room, the place just lifted because of her. Even though I didn’t know Holly personally, her father, Kev, worked for Heskins, and her brother, Jack, works on the nightshift here at Heskins. As you can imagine, this has left the family devastated. For me personally it made me realise how lucky I was and to cherish more what I have with my own children.
In light of what’s happened, this gave me an idea to raise money for a charity close to the Brand family, Derian House Children’s Hospice. What a great charity this is, the care and support they give families is second to none in this field, please take a look at the website at the wonderful things they do and offer.
The challenge I set myself was to complete the Yorkshire Three Peaks challenge, Pen-y-Ghent, Whernside and Ingleborough in a 12-hour period. I then asked for volunteers to join me, Jack, Ryan (both are Holly’s brothers) and Nichola and myself and our partners who all work for Heskins, where the first to jump at this challenge set. Then, along with 11 others from the Brand extended family, the challenge was set for the 20th of April, 2024.
Now, I just need a little help from the Heskins Ltd extended family and would like to know if you would consider donating to this amazing charity and in honour of Holly Brand and lastly to the ones putting themselves on the line to complete this crazy challenge I’ve set. All donations are welcome, whether they are large or small; this charity needs all the help we can give them; the more we raise, the more Families they can reach out to.
Please give 5 minutes and click on the link below. If possible, please gift aid as this helps more of the money stay with the charity
Lastly, thank you for your time reading and, hopefully, any donations you can pass our way. these donations will also help motivate us to get this challenge done.
Thank you from Michael, Nichola, Jack, Ryan and the extended Brand family.