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Heskins Christmas & New Year Closing Times


Find out Heskins Ltd’s Christmas and new year opening and closing times in this blog post.

As Slade once said… “It’s Chriiiii­iss­sssstma­aaaa­asssss!!” and here at Heskins, we are very much looking forward to downing tools and upping feet with families and friends, and we hope you are too.

This is just a quick note to let you know of our opening and closing times over Christmas and New Year. They are as follows:

December 24th: 8.30-3

December 25th: Closed

December 26th: Closed

December 27th: Closed

December 28th: Closed

December 29th: 8.30-12

December 30th: 8.30-12

January 1st: Closed

January 2nd: Closed

January 3rd: Closed

January 4th: Business resumes as normal

From all of us at Heskins, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year.

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