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Adhesive Technology to Combat Low Surface Energy


Low surface energy is a problem as it causes many slips. Applying anti slip to it can also be a problem, but read here about how we defeated it…

In the world of adhesive technology, one of the recurring challenges that engineers, manufacturers, and product designers face is the issue of low energy surfaces (LSE). These surfaces, which have low surface energy, can be notoriously difficult to bond with self-adhesive products. Understanding the complexities of LSE surfaces and finding effective solutions is crucial for various industries and applications.

To grasp the concept of low energy surfaces, it’s helpful to start with a basic explanation of surface energy. Surface energy refers to the ability of a material’s surface to wet out and bond with another substance. In simpler terms, it’s about how well a liquid, such as an adhesive, can spread and adhere to a given surface. Surfaces with high energy readily accept adhesion because they allow the adhesive to wet out and form strong bonds.

On the other hand, low energy surfaces are characterised by their resistance to wetting. This means that when a liquid, like water or an adhesive, comes into contact with an LSE surface, it doesn’t spread out evenly. Instead, it forms small droplets or beads, akin to the water beading up on a freshly waxed car. The inability to wet out on these surfaces hinders effective bonding.

Common examples of low energy surfaces include materials like polypropylene and polyethylene. These materials are widely used in various industries because of their desirable properties, such as durability, chemical resistance, and flexibility. However, their low surface energy makes them challenging for traditional adhesive products to bond with effectively.

So, how do you overcome the hurdle of bonding to low energy surfaces? This is where specialised solutions, like our H3510 Keying Agent, come into play. H3510 Keying Agent isn’t just another adhesive; it’s a surface energy modifier designed specifically for addressing the challenges posed by LSE substrates.

H3510 Keying Agent is available in a compact bottle, and only a small amount is required to achieve remarkable results. What sets it apart is its ability to alter the surface energy of materials, effectively increasing their receptiveness to adhesion. By applying Keying Agent to an LSE surface, you can transform it into a more adhesive-friendly substrate, allowing conventional adhesive products to bond more effectively.

This innovative solution has far-reaching implications for industries and applications where low energy surfaces are prevalent. It opens up new possibilities for designing and manufacturing products that can adhere to a wider range of materials, ultimately enhancing product performance and reliability.

Whether you’re in the automotive, packaging, construction, or any other industry where adhesive bonding is essential, H3510 Keying Agent can be a game-changer. It’s a versatile tool that empowers you to tackle adhesive challenges with confidence and creativity.
If you’re interested in learning more about Keying Agent or want to place an order, our dedicated team is here to assist you. You can contact Heskins through various channels, including via our phone number, email adress, or by using the contact form on our website. We’re committed to providing the information and support you need to conquer adhesive obstacles effectively.

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