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Still Using Poor Quality Social Distance Floor Marking?


We find it incredible that during this time, businesses still use poor quality marking tape. We explain why using better quality marking tape for social distancing saves you money in the long run.

We find it incredible that companies are still using cheap, thin, and poor-quality floor marking tapes for social distancing.

For a vitally essential and government-mandated requirement in workplaces, many of the chosen markers are now almost invisible.­ The materials they have used are not designed for high traffic appli­cations; they simply cannot withstand the foot traffic, let alone any trolleys or other items pushed across. As we have said many times, what you save in costs at the beginning, you lose in long-term product performance, the lack of it that is, as these tapes will require replacing sooner rather than later.

This generally requires a frustrating removal process, as the tape breaks apart through wear, resulting in pieces of the now fragmented tape requiring removal. This also means the adhesive is now exposed and conta­minated, meaning a big clean-up job is needed before it gets on the soles of people’s shoes and from that, clothes, not to mention on other areas of the surface. The money you thought you had saved initially can result in additional money spent, as new material has to be purchased and time is taken to re-apply. For those who are doomed to repeat their mistakes, it becomes more costly than buying high-quality, long-lasting products.

At Heskins, we are experts in durable marking materials; for the last 23 years, we have ensured that our products are applied once and then left to do their intended job. They do not fade, wear or fall apart easily. Heskins create high-quality products that work for you, not the other way around. Your staff simply put in place then can rely on them doing their job, so your team can focus on other duties.

Why Is Social Distancing Important?

As we are all aware, the spread of COVID-19 is increasing vastly, and in a fight to reduce cases or the spread of the virus, we must adhere to social distancing. Social distancing is essential to keep you and others safe by keeping you at a distance from those around you. Doing this will slow down the virus transmission and reduce the number of cases occurring during this epidemic. The recommended distance is at least 2m apart from each other this ensures those that may have the virus cannot spread it and reduce the contact. We advise that if you do have symptoms, take a COVID test and self-isolate to keep the people around you safe. We all want normality, so by following guidelines and social distancing rules, we can all play our part.

Visit the Heskins website to view the range of materials Heskins produce and supply. We can provide our material in rolls of varying lengths and widths. Most of our materials can be produced in die-cuts in a myriad of shapes and sizes.



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