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Slippery glass on Venice bridge creates multiple injuries


A multi-million Euro construction project featuring a lot of slippery glass which could cause a lot of injuries. Bad planning? Read more inside…

In the heart of Venice, where the air holds a hint of the Adriatic Sea, a marvel of modern architecture asserts itself amidst a city that breathes history. However, this spectacle, the multi-million € Constitution Bridge, harbours an architectural faux pas so glaring, it beggars belief. It’s not the audacious choice of design or an unattractive finish, but the danger lurking in its glassy path, a perilous slip problem that has left locals and tourists alike in trepidation. In this blog post, we dive into the ramifications of this architectural error, and importantly, how such missteps can be avoided in future projects.

Firstly, let’s clear a fundamental question that might be lingering in your mind, ‘Why is glass slippery?’ Glass has an exceedingly low Coefficient of Friction (CoF). CoF is essentially the metric by which we measure ‘grip’. It is the force resisting relative motion between two bodies in contact — a higher CoF implies more grip, and consequently, less slipperiness. Glass, with its low CoF, provides minimal grip to pedestrians, causing them to lose footing, especially when the surface is damp or wet.

One might wonder, ‘Could this be a matter of poor planning or simply an audacious architectural gamble?’ This query tends to strike a chord, especially considering that the bridge was created by one of the world’s most celebrated architects. You see, choosing glass for a major public thoroughfare is a gamble, either brave or foolhardy, depending on perspective. However, considering the ensuing safety issues and injuries, it seems that in this case, the risk was not worth the reward.

Adding to the conundrum, the bridge isn’t just straight, it’s arched. So, ‘How does the arch affect the grip?’ you may ask. The arch exacerbates the problem. An incline naturally reduces grip, so with the glass surface already possessing a low CoF, the arch further increases the risk of slippage, creating a double whammy of sorts.

Indeed, this begs the question, ‘What is the Venetian government doing about it?’ Authorities have taken steps to address the problem, but their solution leaves much to be desired. They are regularly replacing the glass panels like-for-like, which does not remedy the inherent slip problem of the material.

And what can be done about it? As a specialist in safety, I have a rather straightforward suggestion. Firstly, conduct a Pendulum CoF test urgently. Based on the obtained figures, devise and implement a remedial plan to increase the CoF level. Our transparent safety-grip anti-slip tape could offer a solution. It would not only maintain the visual appeal of the glass flooring but also guarantee a CoF level far exceeding any recommendations.

In conclusion, it is high time that architects started prioritising function slightly over aesthetics. Slippage is a significant problem causing numerous injuries, and sometimes even fatalities. We can mitigate these risks by giving due consideration to the practical aspects of design, including ensuring that the choice of materials is suitable for its intended use. The case of the Constitution Bridge is a stark reminder of what can happen when design considerations tip too far towards aesthetics at the expense of safety.

For those interested in delving further into this subject, the following news articles offer additional insight.

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