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Photolu­min­escent Tape

Our photolu­min­escent glow in the dark marking tape is very simple to apply, great for indicating walkways and exits in power outs, this video shows you the application steps.

You can use the same method to apply our high-quality glow in the egress tape also.

How To Clean Anti Slip Tape

Properly cleaning anti-slip tape is essential for maintaining the non-slip properties of Heskins tape. Accumulated mud and contaminants can clog the grit granules, compromising the tape's effectiveness in preventing slips (especially for lower grit level tapes like Extra Coarse, recommended for areas prone to dirt). Mud can also impact the reflectivity or photoluminescent qualities of the tape. Watch our instructional video to learn how to clean Heskins non-slip tape effectively.

How To Apply Glow in the Dark Tape

Suitable for many areas, Heskins glow in the dark tape can help improve safety during all times of the day, this tape uses photoluminescent powder to provide a strong glow in dark areas. It's designed to give a visible safety solution in darkness, such as a power cut. Our photoluminescent tape works by charging in natural or artificial light sources, so there is no need to worry when the lights are out.